Valuation Products

Residential Properties

FNMA 1004 – Uniform Residential Appraisal Report (Certified to perform complex appraisal assignments – custom, acreage, unique location)
This report form is designed to report an appraisal of a one-unit property or a one-unit property with an accessory unit; including a unit in a planned unit development (PUD), based on an interior and exterior inspection of the subject property.
FNMA 1073 – Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal Report
This report form is designed to report an appraisal of a one-unit property or a one-unit property with an accessory unit; including a unit in a planned unit development (PUD), based on an interior and exterior inspection of the subject property.
FNMA 1004C – Manufactured Home Appraisal Report
This report form is designed to report an appraisal of a one-unit property or a one-unit property with an accessory unit; including a unit in a planned unit development (PUD), based on an interior and exterior inspection of the subject property.

MULTI-FAMILY (Small Income Properties 2-4 units)

FNMA 1025 – Small Residential Income Property Appraisal
This report form is designed to report an appraisal of a two- to four-unit property, including a two- to four-unit property in a planned unit development (PUD).

Additional Forms & Products

Exterior only Appraisal Reports

FNMA 2055 – Exterior-Only Inspection Residential Appraisal Report
This report form is designed to report an appraisal of a one-unit property or a one-unit property with an accessory unit; including a unit in a planned unit development (PUD), based on an exterior-only inspection of the subject property from at least the street. This report form is not designed to report an appraisal of a manufactured home or a unit in a condominium or cooperative project.
FNMA 1075 – Exterior-Only Inspection Individual Condominium Unit Appraisal Report
This report form is designed to report an appraisal of a unit in a condominium project or a condominium unit in a planned unit development (PUD) based on an exterior-only inspection of the subject property from at least the street. This report form is not designed to report an appraisal of a manufactured home or a unit in a cooperative project.
FHA Appraisals – Federal Housing Administration Appraisals
All products can be ordered to meet FHA guidelines including using only Certified FHA Roster Appraisers.
REO and Foreclosure – Real Estate Owned Appraisal and Foreclosure Addendum
The Real Estate Owned Appraisal and Foreclosure Addendum (REO) is designed for properties that have gone back to the institution’s ownership and homes in foreclosure. This addendum provides a snapshot of market value for our mortgage servicing clients, as well as “quick sale” forecasts.
FNMA 1004D – Appraisal Update and/or Completion Report
This report form is intended to provide the lender/client with an accurate update of a prior appraisal and/or to report a certification of completion. The appraiser must identify the service(s) provided by selecting the appropriate report type.
FNMA 1004MC – Market Conditions Addendum to the Appraisal Report
The Market Conditions Addendum (Form 1004MC) is designed to enhance the transparency of the market trends and conditions conclusions made by the appraiser. The Market Conditions Addendum will be required with all one- to four-unit property appraisals performed on or after April 1, 2009. This requirement applies to loans delivered to Fannie Mae, whether the loans are underwritten manually or through

Desktop Underwriter®.

FNMA 1007 – Single-Family Comparable Rent Schedule
The report is intended to obtain the market rent for a conventional single-family investment property from the appraiser.
FNMA 216 – Operating Income Statement
The report is intended to determine the amount of operating income that can be used in evaluating the applicant’s credit on applications for conventional mortgages that are secured by one-family investment properties and all two- to four-family properties (including those in which the applicant occupies one of the units as a principal residence).